2012年2月23日 星期四

120222 上課內容+心得

1.AACR2 包括哪幾種出版類型?.....10種
(1)Books, Pamphlets, and Printed Sheets  圖書
(2)Cartographic Materials  連續性資源
(3)Manuscripts (Including Manuscript Collections)  善本圖書
(4)Music  樂譜
(5)Sound Recordings  錄音資料
(6)Motion Pictures and Videorecordings  電影片及錄影資料
(7)Graphic Materials  地圖資料
(8)Electronic Resources  電子資源
(9)Three-Dimensional Artefacts and Realia  立體資料
(10)Microforms  微縮資料

(1)Headings for person  人名標目
(2)Geogrophic names    地名
(3)Headings for corporate bodies  團體標目
(4)Uniform titles      劃一題名

Main entry. 主要款目
The complete catalogue record of an item, presented in the form by which the entity is to be uniformly identified and cited.
The main entry may include the tracing(s)[] (q.v.).
See also Added entry.(Main entry之外的稱之)
Added entry. 附加款目
An entry, additional to the main entry,
by which an item is represented in a catalogue; a secondary entry.

A personal author is the person chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual(字性內涵) or artistic(藝術性內涵) content of a work.
For particular applications of this definition, see subsequent rules in this chapter. For persons who function solely as performers on sound recordings, see 21.23

corporate body 團體
A corporate body is an organization or a group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity. Consider a corporate body to have a name if the words referring to it are a specific appellation rather than a general description.
Consider a body to have a name if, in a script and language using capital letters for proper names, the initial letters of the words referring to it are consistently capitalized, and/or if, in a language using articles, the words are always associated with a definite article.
Typical examples of corporate bodies are associations, institutions, business firms, nonprofitenterprises, governments, government agencies, projects and programmes, religious bodies, local church groups identified by the name of the church, and conferences. 1
Some corporate bodies are subordinate to other bodies
(e.g., the Peabody Museum of Natural History is subordinate to Yale University; the Annual General Meeting is subordinate to the Canadian Library Association).
Consider ad hoc events (such as athletic contests, exhibitions, expeditions, fairs, and festivals) and vessels (e.g., ships and spacecraft) to be corporate bodies.


a) the personal authorship is unknown (see 21.5) or diffuse (see 21.6C2), and the work does not emanate from a corporate body. 
b) it is a collection of works by different persons or bodies. (see 21.7) 
c) it emanates from a corporate body but does not fall into any of the categories given in 21.1B2 and is not of personal authorship. 
d) it is accepted as sacred scripture by a religious group.
(3) 無共同題名且無明顯主要部分之作品,以整體為一單元著
(4) 作品如為另一作品之相關作品

  進入了AACR2 part2部分,出現了許多地新名詞,新的內容,

