4.2 Drivers for new developments in library services 新的發展
4.3 Support for teaching and research 支持教學及研究
4.4 Factors influencing libraries’ acquisition of new resources
4.5 Managing expectations: library funding 管理
4.6 Winning Top-Level Support
4.7 Improving levels of access to research literature
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Frequency of researchers’ personal visits to the library
5.3 The library as a laboratory 把圖書館當做實驗室
5.4 The physical resources offered by institutional libraries 提供實體的東西
5.5 The location of researchers 研究者位置
5.6 Libraries at other institutions 圖書館跟其他機構的關係
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Researchers’ use of print information resources 研究者利用資訊資源
6.3 How researchers find information 研究者如何找到資訊
6.4 How researchers work using their library holdings 研究者利用圖書館來嚴就他們的工作
6.5 How researchers obtain items not available in their local library 研究者怎麼找到圖書館沒有的資訊
6.6 The rise and fall of inter-library lending 館際互借
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The use of digital resources
7.3 Large-Scale Collaborative Research and its Impact
7.4 The rise of interdisciplinary research
7.5 e-Research and libraries
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Researchers’ views on the roles of librarians in the future
8.3 Librarians’ views of their future roles
8.4 Researchers’ and librarians’ perceptions of different resources
8.5 Librarians’ perceptions of their provision of electronic information resources
8.6 Library-based provision of advice or formal training to researchers
8.7 Library-based provision of skills development for researchers
8.8 Virtual Research Environments (VREs) and Virtual Research Communities (VRCs)
8.9 Issues around collections development
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Digitising archives and special collections 典藏(檔案館)
9.3 The print reserve collection 指定參考書
9.4 Open Access 開放性資料
9.5 Knowledge transfer 知識轉移
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Channels of communication
10.3 New ways of communicating by researchers 研究者有哪些新的傳播管道
10.4 Branding the library 圖書館平台
Pressure points
The majority of researchers in all disciplines have adapted readily to the widespread availability of digital content,
accessible directly from their desktops. Researchers are eager for more digital content and libraries are eager to provide it.
But while nearly all researchers think funding the library should be a high or top priority for their institution, librarians indicate that it is not always easy to secure top-level support.
Hence academic libraries receive a relatively modest proportion of their institutions’ budgets and cannot deliver all they would wish to.
Limited funding emphasises the tension between competing demands for library resources: many researchers perceive that libraries give greater priority to support for teaching and learning rather than to research,
something that many librarians acknowledge.
Key Points
There are significant differences of perceptions and views between researchers and librarians, and differences in awareness of key issues. They agree that communication channels need to be improved. How most effectively to achieve that is a major challenge.
The research community – in the widest sense – is using social networking technologies to exchange and share research-based information. The role of libraries in these developments is at present ill-defined.
Researchers may not readily recognize that the content they receive on their desktop is provided through the library, or be aware of the administrative overheads involved. This presents a branding and marketing challenge for libraries.