2013年6月9日 星期日

13.06.03 上課筆記


根據Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom 2006年所寫的文章
Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom

WHEREAS, academic institutions provide a forum論壇 for the robust健全的 exchange of a diversity of ideas; and

WHEREAS, libraries in academic institutions guarantee that a wide array排列 of ideas that promote academic discourse are available; and

WHEREAS, academic institutions have in place longstanding representative democratic structures for review and redress糾正 of grievances申訴; and

WHEREAS, most academic institutions follow the 1940 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) “ Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure” and their libraries follow the “ Freedom to Read Statement,” the “ Library Bill of Rights,” the “ Code of Professional Ethics倫理 for Librarians,” and the “ Core 核心的 Values of Librarianship” that are consonant with the 1940 AAUP statement; and

WHEREAS, these statements are effective safeguards維護 of academic freedom and embrace the free expression rights and responsibilities laid out in the First Amendment; and

WHEREAS, an “ Academic Bill of Rights” (ABOR) by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, a self-described自我描述 conservative保守的 nonprofit organization, is being introduced in legislatures立法機關 and academic institutions; and

WHEREAS, this “Academic Bill of Rights” would impose extra-academic standards on academic institutions, directly interfering干擾 in course content內容, the classroom, the research process, and hiring and tenure任期 decisions; and

WHEREAS, this “Academic Bill of Rights” applies principles other than relevant相關的 scholarly standards, as interpreted解釋 and applied by the academic profession; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the American Library Association reaffirms重申 the principles of academic freedom embodied體現 in the American Association of University Professors’ “Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure” (1940); and be it further

RESOLVED, that the American Library Association opposes反對 any legislation 立法 or codification法典編篡 of documents like the “Academic Bill of Rights” (ABOR) that undermine破壞 academic and intellectual知識分子 freedom, chill寒意 free speech, and/or otherwise interfere with the academic community’s well-established有效的 norms規範 and values of scholarship and educational excellence.

The Misssion of the University
1.pursuit of truth 發現真理
2.discovery of new knowledge 發現新知識
3.study and reasoned criticism
4.teaching and general development of students 教導 發展 ->creative individuals and productive citizens of a pluralistic democracy
5.transmission of knowledge and learning 知識轉移

freedom to teach freedom to learn

2013年6月2日 星期日

13.05.06 上課筆記

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Drivers for new developments in library services 新的發展
4.3 Support for teaching and research 支持教學及研究
4.4 Factors influencing libraries’ acquisition of new resources
4.5 Managing expectations: library funding 管理
4.6 Winning Top-Level Support
4.7 Improving levels of access to research literature

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Frequency of researchers’ personal visits to the library
5.3 The library as a laboratory 把圖書館當做實驗室
5.4 The physical resources offered by institutional libraries 提供實體的東西
5.5 The location of researchers 研究者位置
5.6 Libraries at other institutions 圖書館跟其他機構的關係

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Researchers’ use of print information resources 研究者利用資訊資源
6.3 How researchers find information 研究者如何找到資訊
6.4 How researchers work using their library holdings 研究者利用圖書館來嚴就他們的工作
6.5 How researchers obtain items not available in their local library 研究者怎麼找到圖書館沒有的資訊
6.6 The rise and fall of inter-library lending  館際互借

7.1 Introduction
7.2 The use of digital resources
7.3 Large-Scale Collaborative Research and its Impact
7.4 The rise of interdisciplinary research
7.5 e-Research and libraries

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Researchers’ views on the roles of librarians in the future
8.3 Librarians’ views of their future roles
8.4 Researchers’ and librarians’ perceptions of different resources
8.5 Librarians’ perceptions of their provision of electronic information resources
8.6 Library-based provision of advice or formal training to researchers
8.7 Library-based provision of skills development for researchers
8.8 Virtual Research Environments (VREs) and Virtual Research Communities (VRCs)
8.9 Issues around collections development

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Digitising archives and special collections 典藏(檔案館)
9.3 The print reserve collection 指定參考書
9.4 Open Access 開放性資料
9.5 Knowledge transfer 知識轉移

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Channels of communication
10.3 New ways of communicating by researchers 研究者有哪些新的傳播管道
10.4 Branding the library 圖書館平台

Pressure points
The majority of researchers in all disciplines have adapted readily to the widespread availability of digital content,
accessible directly from their desktops. Researchers are eager for more digital content and libraries are eager to provide it.
But while nearly all researchers think funding the library should be a high or top priority for their institution, librarians indicate that it is not always easy to secure top-level support.
Hence academic libraries receive a relatively modest proportion of their institutions’ budgets and cannot deliver all they would wish to.
Limited funding emphasises the tension between competing demands for library resources: many researchers perceive that libraries give greater priority to support for teaching and learning rather than to research,
something that many librarians acknowledge.

Key Points
There are significant differences of perceptions and views between researchers and librarians, and differences in awareness of key issues. They agree that communication channels need to be improved. How most effectively to achieve that is a major challenge.
The research community – in the widest sense – is using social networking technologies to exchange and share research-based information. The role of libraries in these developments is at present ill-defined.
Researchers may not readily recognize that the content they receive on their desktop is provided through the library, or be aware of the administrative overheads involved. This presents a branding and marketing challenge for libraries.

2013年4月29日 星期一

13.04.29 上課筆記

= 提問之前 =

1. 通讀手冊,試著自己找答案。
2. 在FAQ?找答案(一份維護得好的FAQ可以包羅萬象:)。
3. 在網上搜索(個人推薦google~~~)。
4. 向你身邊精於此道的朋友打聽。



= 怎樣提問 =

- 謹慎選擇論壇
1. 在風馬牛不相及的論壇貼出你的問題
2. 在探討高級技巧的論壇張貼非常初級的問題;反之亦然
3. 在太多的不同新聞組交叉張貼

- 用辭貼切,語法正確,拼寫無誤
- 正確的拼寫,標點符號和大小寫很重要
- 使用含義豐富,描述準確的標題
- 精確描述,信息量大
- 話不在多
- 只說症狀,不說猜想
- 按時間順序列出症狀
- 別問應該自己解決的問題
- 明白你想問什麼
- 去除無意義的疑問
- 謙遜絕沒有害處,而且常幫大忙
- 問題解決後,加個簡短說明
- 還是不懂

13.04.22 上課筆記

                       (亞曆克斯·伯恩 2005)


通過測算對圖書館的投入 input(包括館舍和設備在內的圖書館資源,員工,館藏),圖書館統計體現了政策和權威部門對圖書館服務的承諾。

通過計算圖書館的產出 output,以及計算出對傳統的及新型電子的圖書館館藏與服務的利用,圖書館可以證明其對服務人口的服務是足夠的。比較圖書館投入與產出的數據,將證明圖書館是否用成本效益的方式來有效組織其服務。












B.2 公共服務(Public Services)

B.2.1.1 服務人口比率(Percentage of Target Population Reached)
圖書館服務深入預期讀者群(target population)的程度; 預期讀者群可能是行政區域內的全部人口、可能是特定群體、也可能是其他的群體。

預期讀者群性質接近的圖書館, 可做互相比較。

一年之內, 到過圖書館或使用相關服務的人, 才算是讀者。借書記錄是最清楚的。辦理借書證的讀者, 可用於推算服務人口比率。

讀者可以是個人, 也可以家庭、機關、團體、公司行號。

B.2.1.2 服務每位讀者的平均成本(Cost per User)



B.2.1.3 讀者進館率(Library Visits per Capita)

全年進館人數除以預期讀者群, 所謂進館係指進入圖書館的地界, 使用圖書館提供的服務之一。

B.2.1.4 讀者每次進館成本(Cost per Library Visit)


全年經常費除以進館人數。所謂進館係指進入圖書館的地界, 使用圖書館提供的服務之一。

2013年3月31日 星期日

13.04.01 上課筆記+心得


大學圖書館館藏及服務, 依照強而有力的智性自由觀點, 就能滿足大學裡的教育及研究需求。將智性自由的原則融入大學圖書館, 提醒大學圖書館員在工作時, 應警醒其智性自由的本質。
下述的原則, 應反應在圖書館所有的相關政策裡。

1.圖書館權利法案陳述的原則, 是圖書館建構其館藏、服務、政策, 以服務學術社區時, 不可或缺的基礎。


3.規畫館藏支援機構的教學及研究時, 必須超越規畫者的個人價值觀。從研究及學習的角度來看, 有必要建構看似矛盾, 但能代表各種觀點的館藏。

4.應以典藏及重置的手段維持館藏的圴衡, 不讓有爭論的資料因偷竊、遺失、毀損、或正常的損耗及破損而從館藏裡移除; 應有關注此事的團體, 不讓偷竊或毀損而使館藏有偏頗。

5.館藏的授權應與圖書館權利法案的內容相容, 並提供全面的近用。

6.大學圖書館應對大學社區提供開放未檢查的網際網路近用服務, 內容檢查及依內容而限制近用的機制, 都違反大學圖書館的基本任務, 應提供最大量的思想及資訊供進一步的研究及學習之用。此等限制明顯違反學術圖書館智性自由原則。


8.圖書館的會議室、研究小間、展覽空間及其他設施應供大學社區使用, 不應依研究內容及主題而有區別待遇; 任何的限制措施應基於使用空間的不足而設, 不可依研究或討論的內容而設。

9.圖書館服務應儘量不收費, 以鼓勵使用; 必須收費時, 應提供免費或低價的相對服務(如: 在列印之外, 還有下載至儲存裝置的服務)。

10.應宣傳圖書館的服務哲學, 為整個學術社區提供平等的資訊近用服務, 不因種族、價值觀、性別、性趣、文化或種族背景、身體或學習障礙、經濟地位、宗教信仰或觀點, 而有差異。

11.應有正當程序, 讓學術圈內外的人有機會要求移除或增加圖書館的資源、展覽或服務。

12.本原則應被相關的機構主管認可, 包括教師會或相當的教學主管單位。


美國圖書館學會確認所有的圖書館都是資訊及思想的論壇, 其服務應遵守下列的原則。

1.圖書與其他資源應滿足服務社區內所有民眾的興趣、資訊、啟發之所需, 不能因作者的種族、背景、觀點而被排除。

2.圖書館應提供當前或過去議題各種觀點的資料與資訊。不應為了個人或教義不同, 而被禁制或移除。

3.為了滿足供資訊及啟發他人的責任, 圖書館應該挑戰檢查制度。

4.圖書館應與相關人士及團體合作, 關注被剝奪自由表達及自由近用思想之事。

5.使用圖書館的權利, 不得因種族、年齡、背景或觀點之不同而遭受到否定或剝奪。

6.備有供民眾使用展覽空間及會議室的圖書館, 應排除使用者或團體的信仰或關係, 在平等的基礎上提供使用的機會。



1.      何謂大學圖書館?請依圖書館法與大學圖書館設立及營運基準,說明之

2.      試述2012年大學圖書館10大趨勢。

3.      試述我國圖書館員專業倫理守則。

4.      試述學術圖書館的智性自由原則: 解讀圖書館權利法案。

2013年3月24日 星期日

130325 上課筆記

Students for Academic Freedom.
You can't get a good education if they're only telling you half the story.

About SF
The Students for Academic Freedom Information Center is a clearing
house and communications center for a national coalition of student
organizations whose goal is to end the political abuse of the university
and to restore integrity to the academic mission as a disinterested pursuit of

— 22 May 2006

智性自由(intellectual freedom)係指無限制地找尋及接收各種觀點資訊的權利,即使該等觀點頗具爭議性或冒犯特定人士。


人人有權享有主張和發表意見的自由; 此項權利包括持有主張而不受干涉的自由, 和通過任何媒介和不論國界尋求、接受和傳播消息和思想的自由。

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek,
receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


知的權利(the right to know)與表述的權利(freedom of expression)是資訊自由的一體兩面。資訊自由是圖書資訊學的專業承諾。所以,國際圖書館聯盟認為:









